Thursday 21 February 2019

Revision Rhinoplasty Cost That You Need To Know

Revision rhinoplasty is normally a more complex surgery than primary rhinoplasty, so it might end up costing you more. But there is no need to worry for it is not always the case, although there are several key factors that make a revision rhinoplasty expensive.

So to give you an idea of what to expect about the revision rhinoplasty cost factors, you should consider what type of rhinoplasty surgery you are going to do depending on your needs.

If you opt for corrective nasal surgery, it is important that you do not pay a huge sum for your revision.

In order to avoid this situation, it is better to find the right plastic surgeon who will give you a result that you are satisfied with.

A certified rhinoplasty Singapore surgeon can assess and study the current condition of your nose. He will also develop a plan to achieve the exceptional and functional result you want.

Also, an experienced plastic surgeon is who you should look for if you prefer undergoing this procedure. Because he will be honest with you about what to expect from your revision rhinoplasty, including its cost.

The Cost of Rhinoplasty in Singapore

The cost of rhinoplasty depends on the type of the surgery. If you are going to undergo the traditional rhinoplasty, it will cost you more because of the devices and people involved during your surgery such as the anesthesia, nurses, and more skills.

If the surgery corrects the problem the patient has due to the nasal functionality, the insurance will most likely cover the certain percentage of the costs for the surgery. The cost only covers less if the procedure is purely cosmetic unlike the functional surgery.

However, nose fillers are more affordable and provide quick results. But most surgeons in Singapore use non-permanent fillers.

The price of rhinoplasty surgery varies from different clinic. Check and research the specialized clinics if you desire to undergo rhinoplasty. Sometimes these clinics offer some promotions and discounts. And with this, you will be able to get your procedure cheaper without worrying about the high end price.

Age Restrictions for Rhinoplasty in Singapore

The best time for a nose job  according to expert cosmetic surgeons is over the age of 18. Because the nose for these ages are already fully developed which are ideal for nose job.

However, there are some exceptions for people who require this procedure. For instance, this is congenital defect or damage on the nose caused by accidents.

Recovery Timeline for Rhinoplasty

On the first days after the surgery, it is completely normal when the patients have bruises and swollen on some parts of the face Also, he needs to take bed rest for a few days.

After two weeks, the swelling will soon calm down and the patient needs to go back to the surgeon to remove the splint and dressings.

After a few weeks, the patient needs to avoid the following in order to fasten the recovery process:

  • Blowing the nose
  • Sports and other physical activities that may damage the nose and cause nose injuries

 Risks of Rhinoplasty

In general speaking, rhinoplasty is a safe procedure but as with any other surgeries, it also can be done wrong. The most common risks that the patient may encounter during the surgery are the infection, anesthesia reactions, or nose bleeding.

If the patient is not satisfied with the result, he can repeat to undergo the procedure in the future. Because rhinoplasty has the highest rate of revision that is being performed among the other cosmetic surgeries.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Medical Problems You May Have That Requires Rhinoplasty Surgery in Singapore

The nose! Not much can be said about the centerpiece of your face. It helps in balancing your facial features and is essential for breathing. If you have anything that is preventing you from feeling confident and comfortable with your nose, you should consider having a Rhinoplasty procedure done in Singapore.
Some people think of rhinoplasty as a cosmetic procedure while for others; it's a medical procedure that is necessary. This medical procedure is typically done not only to enhance your physical appearance but also to raise your overall health.
 It is thus a plastic surgery procedure used in reconstructing and correcting the nose. There are main types of revision rhinoplasty cost surgery the cosmetic surgery which is used in improving the appearance and the reconstructive surgery which restores the functions and form of the nose.
It is common for celebrities and people who work in the limelight to get this procedure done for cosmetic purposes. However, there are other life circumstances that can make you go through the knife. Below are some medical reasons that might make you consider rhinoplasty surgery.
Difficulties in Breathing
Breathing difficulties can be caused by a nostril collapse or deviated septum. The best option is to seek professional help. Your medical physician can recommend the procedure if a need arises. If he or she is an expert in it, he can quickly fix the issue. Settling breathing difficulties by undergoing rhinoplasty can be a way to enhance your facial look at the same time too.
Sinus Problems
If you constantly experience sinusitis or sinus infection from time to time, then that could be a sign of a deviated septum. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to chronic sinusitis which can cause severe medical conditions. If you're diagnosed with chronic sinusitis because of a deviated nasal septum, then you might need to undergo a surgery known as septoplasty. The procedure is part of rhinoplasty which corrects nasal alignment in order for the sinus to work correctly.
Broken Facial Bones and Nasal Fractures
Facial accidents do happen, and in the occurrence, your facial structure can be damaged. If your facial bones and nose get traumatized, and there's the need for repair, a rhinoplasty surgery is the only solution. The surgery will help in enhancing your face and correcting the deformed part of your facial structure. A broken nose is painful and can cause swelling which at most times obstructs normal breathing. A broken nose is a collapsed nasal cavity which can cause serious medical infections if not treated. Rhinoplasty will correct your nose while septal nasal repair procedure can restore your nose to its full functionality.
Palate or Cleft Lip
Cleft lip nasal deformity is one reason why you need to undergo Rhinoplasty surgery. The procedure is quite complicated since it not only involves the nose but parts of the mouth structure. Patients with cleft lip undergo the process to help in correcting their deformity and form a balanced face. People with cleft lip, mostly children, if provided with early intervention have a higher chance of nasal restoration.
Severe Facial Burns
Reconstructing the skin after it gets burnt is quite challenging since the skin requires to be replaced appropriately. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic medical procedure which can be done on a person who has sustained severe facial burns and damages. The main aim of this procedure after a severe injury is to help in eliminating Nasal functional impairment.
People want a nose that will look appropriate on their face. Rather than focusing on complete nose restructuring, discuss with your doctor on the aspects you would like to be corrected.
Source: Click Here