Thursday, 28 March 2019

The Cost and Choosing the Right Surgeon for Revision Rhinoplasty in Singapore

Are you one of those people who want to enhance the physique of your nose? If your answer is ‘yes’ to this question, well, this article will help you understand what a nose job is.

There are many patients who have gone under the knife and are satisfied with the results. However, there are several factors you need to understand and consider first before getting a nose job.

Below are the basic factors you need to know before deciding if you should get a Revision rhinoplasty surgery in Singapore:

Factors that Affect the Cost of Rhinoplasty

If you are considering Revision rhinoplasty, you have to think about the costs involved to get your nose fixed. Also, be reminded that not all rhinoplasty surgeries can achieve the same results with other patients. Every patient has his or her own concerns and needs when it comes to their nose. So, the cost of rhinoplasty can vary depending on each patient’s nose requirement and case.

Moreover, rhinoplasty cannot be claimed by insurance or Medisave. You might be able to claim some of the cost if the procedure aims to correct functional issues.

Discussing with the surgeon about the specific procedures should be done before the surgery. In that way, the surgeon will give you an idea of where your money goes. Moreover, he will provide you a list of other things needed for your surgery.

Other factors that may affect the cost are the quality of the environment, care, and follow-up examinations provided by the surgeon.

Choosing the Right Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Other than thinking about the cost, you should also be considering about choosing the surgeon who will perform your desired procedure.

Rhinoplasty should be performed only by the trained surgeons who have years of experience in plastic surgery. You have to examine first all the surgeries he or she has performed and if they gained good results or not.

Do not depend only on the photos your surgeon provides you. It is better to assess his or her skills about what it’s like when he or she is performing the surgery.

Also, you can take some time to research on his or her previous clients and ask about their entire experience during the surgery with that surgeon. You can also open up topics like how the consultation went, and what aftercares they received after the surgery.

Then, when you finally choose your surgeon and the clinic where you are most comfortable with, it is time for you to book a consultation. This will help you evaluate the team you have chosen and if they are a right fit for you to perform your desired procedure. This is also the chance for you to know if you are suitable to get a nose job.

Furthermore, don’t forget to inform your surgeon about your medical history or concerns, as they will be taking this into consideration as well.

Your concerns and needs are the basis of your treatment plan. If they see some of these concerns, your surgeon will eventually recommend available options that fit for you to undergo a surgery.

Recovery After Getting Rhinoplasty

The recovery timeline after the rhinoplasty surgery may vary from one patient to another. The patients’ age and health condition are the main factors that will affect the length of the recovery period. So it depends on their lifestyle habit that dictates their recovery time.

The recovey period for patients who are smokers and drinkers most likely takes longer. So it means you have to consider the type of nose surgery performed and ask your surgeon how complex the surgery will be. With this, it will help you know the habits you need to avoid.

Patients can normally start doing their usual routine and activities in two weeks after the surgery. However, activities such as exercising and other habits like drinking and smoking should be avoided for at least a month after the surgery.

Getting the most expensive rhinoplasty surgery doesn’t mean it will guarantee you the best results. The best results may happen when you are placed in the hands of the trained and certified surgeons. So it is better to consider these factors before getting a nose job Singapore.

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Picosure Laser

People can now achieve a youthful and pigment-free skin without the need of undergoing surgery. Because the answer to their longing desire is the Picosure laser.
Knowing Picosure Laser
Picosure is a picosecond laser that delivers ultra-short pulse bursts of energy in picoseconds or trillionths of a second to the skin. The pigment on the skin is shattered by the laser into tiny dust-like particles, which the body’s lymphatic system absorbs and eliminates them naturally.
Different skin conditions can be treated by Picosure. It is especially effective for skin toning and rejuvenation, treating wrinkles, pigmentations, and spots, acne scars, and tattoo removal. The picosure laser is also used for smoothening of wrinkles and fine lines.
How Picosure Laser Works
Picosure Laser uses PressureWave technology to produce a unique wavelength of light and a specialised lens that converts laser energy into gentle pressure. The pressure works to squeeze cells, activating the natural cell signaling process that creates new collagen and elastin.
This results in a brighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin with minimal downtime, unlike other similar lasers. PressureWave technology is also used for treating pigmentation and acne scars. It is also used for removal of ink particles from a tattoo on the skin without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Possible Results You May Get After Picosure Treatment
Picosure has been one of the patients’ most-desired treatments for their skin, here are some of the benefits of this treatment.
•Pigmentation reduction
•Acne mark clearance
•Brighter and tighter skin due to collagen stimulation
•Reduction in fine lines
•Treatment for melasma
•Faster and more effective way of tattoo removal
During the Picosure Treatment
Before the Picosure treatment, the surgeon will apply numbing cream to the area that requires treatment. The product will last to stay there up to 20 minutes before the treatment starts.
The treatment will commonly take about 10 minutes for average sized tattoo and skin revitalization. However, procedure time usually depends on the skin condition and which area is being treated.
For tattoo removal, you will be recommended to undergo 4-10 treatments. While 2-5 treatments are common to complete for skin revitalization. Therefore, the surgeon may prescribe multiple sessions with the same treatment depending on the patient’s preference.
Expectation After Picosure Treatment
After the Picosure treatment, the skin may become flushed for a few hours. The patient may resume doing the normal activities after the treatment but it is advisable for them not to prolong themselves staying outdoors because of sun exposure. When going out under the sun, it is recommended for them to use sunblock daily in the treated area.
For those who undergo tattoo removal, post-treatment swelling may occur at some time but it will disappear the next days. Applying sunblock on the treated area is advised to prevent new pigmentation from growing.
In addition, Picosure is not only versatile to what it can do to a person’s skin but it is also considered the most preferred treatment compared to other lasers or devices. This treatment has less complications of burning, scarring, and pigmentary issues that is safe for everyone’s skin.
In fact, because of the rising of the many technologies that aim to deliver painless treatment, Picosure laser has reached higher satisfaction rates compared to other devices in the market according to the statistics.
Source : Click Here

Monday, 18 March 2019

Tips on Choosing The Best Plastic Surgeon in Singapore

Plastic surgeons are surgeons who perform cosmetic or reconstructive surgeries that can change the appearance or shape of a patient's face or body part. Some examples of surgeries performed by a plastic surgeon are breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, double eyelid and other reconstructive surgeries.

If you are considering plastic surgery, there are some important decisions you need to make. While most people spend their time thinking about the operation and the potential results, there are other important factors that you need to consider as well- choosing the right and best plastic surgeon in Singapore.
Not every medical physician is experienced or qualified in their stated specialty. Choosing the best plastic surgeon is never as simple as getting a referral. The internet research and referrals from friends can give you a place to start, but you as a patient have a lot at stake. Bear in mind that result satisfaction and safety will all depend on the surgeon you choose. Carefully evaluate and get to understand the surgeon before making a choice.

Not sure how to decide on a surgeon? Read the guide on finding the best plastic surgeon Singapore that you can trust.

Get Referrals from Your Friends

The first step to knowing any industry is by talking to people. Whether you have a family or friend on the other side of the world, it's good to talk to them and ask about their experience. Ask what they liked, what they wish was done differently and get to know exactly how the procedure went through.

Get Online

This is the point where you'll need to do your homework. Dive into reviews on the procedures that you want. Check if the surgeon offers payment installment and read both positive and critic reviews from past patients. Have a clear picture of each step/process of the procedure and find a surgeon that you can trust before moving on.

Schedule an Appointment with a Professional

While searching for information online is important, it's equally important to take things on the internet with a pinch of salt. Create well-detailed questions that you can ask your surgeon. Always remember that no question is a waste of time or is silly.

Check the Qualifications

We live in a world where not everything on the internet can be trusted. There are a shocking number of people with no specialized training that promote themselves as qualified surgeons. It's thus important to do research on the doctor's background to ensure that they're truly qualified.

Research on the Doctor's Experience

Ask all the doctors your questions and the best surgeons will be happy to answer all of your questions. Take your time to review each doctor's before and after photos to familiarize yourself with the doctor's work.

The whole point of going into detail when searching for a surgeon is to get someone who you're comfortable with. From the moment you enter the clinic to after getting the surgery done, it's important to feel confident and comfortable about your decision.

With these points in mind, it is easy to find a qualified and experience surgeon that you will be comfortable with. If you're ready, go out there and get the best!

Source: Click Here

Friday, 15 March 2019

What to Know About Liposuction Procedure in Singapore

Liposuction is a cosmetic medical, surgical procedure which involves the suction of fats out of the body from specific areas. This procedure is also known as suction assisted lipoplasty or lipectomy and should never be considered as a weight loss surgery. The main reason for liposuction Singapore is to redefine and reshape contours of the body in areas that are not responding to physical exercise and diets.

Are You The Best Candidate?
Liposuction is of benefit to patients who are near or at their ideal weight but have disproportionate localized deposits of fat which cannot be reduced through dieting or exercising.
The ideal candidates for liposuction are the people with good skin, muscle tone, non-smokers and those with a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the surgery.

What Can Liposuction Do?
Liposuction has a limited amount of fat which can be removed through diet and exercise. This procedure is usually targeted on hips, abdomen, thighs, buttock, back, love handles to improve patients’ body shape. It could also be done with other plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation and butt lift.

Complications and Risks
In any medical, surgical procedure, there will be possible risks and complications. For liposuction they include:
  • Blood loss
  • Infection
  • Skin discoloration, sagging, contour irregularities
  • Skin burns
With the improvement in technology, newer treatments like Vaser LipoSelection and Radio Frequency Assisted Liposculpture have shown promising results in reducing the risks.
In case of chest pains, unusual heartbeats, shortness of breath and excessive breathing, immediately contact your surgeon for a checkup.

The cost of liposuction surgery varies depending on the size and number of areas treated. The cost may increase or decrease depending on the surgical technique used. The prices range according to the surgeons' qualifications, reputation, and skills, the complexity of the surgery and the geographical area being operated.

Different Types of Liposuction
There are three different types of liposuction techniques. However, they all have one thing in common - the use of a cannula, thin tube, which is connected to a vacuum for fat suction from your body. Let’s take an in-depth look:-

Tumescent liposuction- This is the most common technique. Your surgeon will inject a sterile solution into the area that is being operated on. The solution consists typically of saline (salt water) along with epinephrine and lidocaine. The solution helps reduces pain and blood loss and has a more natural suction of fat.

UAL (Ultrasound-assisted liposuction)- This technique uses sound wave energy under the skin to remove fats. The energy ruptures the cell walls of the fat, liquefying it and allowing for suction and easier removal. Variations include Vaser LipoSelection.

Laser-assisted liposuction- This technique uses a laser that produces a burst of energy to liquefy the fat. Once liquefied, the fat can be removed with less pain and struggle.

In today’s world, more and more people are committing themselves to a better healthy lifestyle and are seeking ways of reaching their full potential. Liposuction presents an excellent and costs effective way of achieving these goals. This treatment can help you get the best possible care and treatment for your body but diet and exercise are required to maintain the body shape and healthy lifestyle.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Procedural Treatment Used in Picosure Laser

Laser treatment is a medical procedure that has been in use since 1960s. However, recently there is a new and highly valued method of laser treatment, Picosure Laser. Picosure Laser doesn't follow the traditional methods of laser surgery, but it is capable of achieving all and more than what traditional laser treatment can do.

Picosure laser treatment does what traditional laser treatment do but in a better way. Despite its youthfulness, the procedure is more popular compared to any other laser treatment procedure in the world.

For skin rejuvenation, the array of options might be seen as vast, endless and confusing. However, Picosure Laser treatment offers treatment that can address multiple skin challenges. The procedure can work on fine lines, wrinkles, age spot, tattoo removal, and treatment of acne scars. Here are some medical treatments which can be performed using this laser technology.

Tattoo Removal
The first thing that comes to peoples' mind when they think about laser treatment is tattoo removal. Never before has any traditional laser treatment been able to address a vast range of pigments and tattoo ink variations. Most conventional laser treatments rely on the application of much heat to the tattoo area and surrounding tissue. This in most cases causes skin inflammation. It is for this reason that you need the Picosure procedure. This procedure uses Pressure wave Technology that dismantles the ink tattoo into small particles that are easy to eliminate from the body naturally.

Acne Scarring
Acne scar is one of the most challenging things to get rid of. The raised, discolored areas of the skin don't respond well to many resurfacing options. The Picosure treatment, when compared to traditional laser treatment, has shown to give significant improvement on the appearance of facial scars and acne. This helps in reducing pigmentation and smoothens the skin. Age spots, acne scars, freckles, and other facial hyper pigmentation can be reduced and even removed with just a few treatments.

Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Resurfacing

Other than reducing scars and aiding in tattoo removal, the Picosure Laser is also able to aid in wrinkle reduction and skin resurfacing. The stimulating effects of the laser treatment can help in the stimulation of collagen growth in thick layers of the dermis, thus creating plumper and more rejuvenating look. The regrowth of collagen helps in reducing the look of wrinkles and fine lines. This results in a more youthful appearance and fresh-looking skin.

Picosure is best for acne scars reduction, tattoo removal, wrinkle reduction, and enhancing the overall fresh glowing look. The treatment procedure has minimal discomfort with little or no downtime associated with it.

When using traditional laser treatment, the results can cause skin tenderness and redness for several days. You will not be allowed to be exposed to direct sunlight, and may experience skin irritation until the skin surface is fully healed.

With Picosure laser treatment, there is no discomfort during and after the process with slight redness in treated areas. With the right treatment procedure, you will achieve the desired results.

Picosure is best for acne scars reduction, tattoo removal, wrinkle reduction, and enhancing the overall fresh glowing look. The treatment procedure has minimal discomfort with little or no downtime associated with it.

Source: Click Here