Friday 15 March 2019

What to Know About Liposuction Procedure in Singapore

Liposuction is a cosmetic medical, surgical procedure which involves the suction of fats out of the body from specific areas. This procedure is also known as suction assisted lipoplasty or lipectomy and should never be considered as a weight loss surgery. The main reason for liposuction Singapore is to redefine and reshape contours of the body in areas that are not responding to physical exercise and diets.

Are You The Best Candidate?
Liposuction is of benefit to patients who are near or at their ideal weight but have disproportionate localized deposits of fat which cannot be reduced through dieting or exercising.
The ideal candidates for liposuction are the people with good skin, muscle tone, non-smokers and those with a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the surgery.

What Can Liposuction Do?
Liposuction has a limited amount of fat which can be removed through diet and exercise. This procedure is usually targeted on hips, abdomen, thighs, buttock, back, love handles to improve patients’ body shape. It could also be done with other plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation and butt lift.

Complications and Risks
In any medical, surgical procedure, there will be possible risks and complications. For liposuction they include:
  • Blood loss
  • Infection
  • Skin discoloration, sagging, contour irregularities
  • Skin burns
With the improvement in technology, newer treatments like Vaser LipoSelection and Radio Frequency Assisted Liposculpture have shown promising results in reducing the risks.
In case of chest pains, unusual heartbeats, shortness of breath and excessive breathing, immediately contact your surgeon for a checkup.

The cost of liposuction surgery varies depending on the size and number of areas treated. The cost may increase or decrease depending on the surgical technique used. The prices range according to the surgeons' qualifications, reputation, and skills, the complexity of the surgery and the geographical area being operated.

Different Types of Liposuction
There are three different types of liposuction techniques. However, they all have one thing in common - the use of a cannula, thin tube, which is connected to a vacuum for fat suction from your body. Let’s take an in-depth look:-

Tumescent liposuction- This is the most common technique. Your surgeon will inject a sterile solution into the area that is being operated on. The solution consists typically of saline (salt water) along with epinephrine and lidocaine. The solution helps reduces pain and blood loss and has a more natural suction of fat.

UAL (Ultrasound-assisted liposuction)- This technique uses sound wave energy under the skin to remove fats. The energy ruptures the cell walls of the fat, liquefying it and allowing for suction and easier removal. Variations include Vaser LipoSelection.

Laser-assisted liposuction- This technique uses a laser that produces a burst of energy to liquefy the fat. Once liquefied, the fat can be removed with less pain and struggle.

In today’s world, more and more people are committing themselves to a better healthy lifestyle and are seeking ways of reaching their full potential. Liposuction presents an excellent and costs effective way of achieving these goals. This treatment can help you get the best possible care and treatment for your body but diet and exercise are required to maintain the body shape and healthy lifestyle.

Source: Click Here

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